Come gather with soul community to bless the sacred passage of spring equinox.
What dream-seeds are stirring in you as the light grows stronger day by day?
Whether or not you are planting a garden this season, we are all "gardeners of energy" --endowed with the capacity to bring our soul's visions into form by giving them our sacred attention.
To exercise this power of co-creation, we will ritually activate the unique dream seeds we carry-- all essential parts of the Earth's dream of wholeness. Our ritual will be a heart-nourishing space woven with song, embodiment, partner connection time, group sharing, and devotion. Please come willing to be screen-on & participating!
Prepare by reflecting:
What seeds of possibility am I carrying for my soul's thriving and the emergence of a more beautiful world?
What possibility, if actualized, would feel like a homecoming for my soul's longing?
If you have an object or symbol that represents your dream, we welcome you to bring it with you.
For the farmers and gardeners in our community: At the close of our ritual, there will be an opportunity to bless the physical seeds (flower of vegetable) that you are planting this spring. We warmly welcome you to bring your soon-to-be-planted seeds with you!
We pray that our ritual will further the dreams of our souls and of the soul of the world!
With and devotion,
Carolyn and Lyndsey